Contradictions Between Goals and Actions in the Circassian Cause

Contradictions Between Goals and Actions in the Circassian Cause

Adel Bashqawi

September 21, 2024

The overall Circassian situation, encompassing both the homeland and the diaspora, has reached an undesirable state. It is marked by a divide between those who support the Circassian nationalist agenda and those promoting Russian colonial policy, with others oscillating between these extremes.

Genetic Interconnection and Cultural Interaction

Circassians are interconnected genetically and culturally, united in their steadfastness and commitment to their goals. They should prioritize their collective needs over individual preferences, as one problem often leads to another. A deep exploration of the internal conflicts within the activist community is essential to address issues related to legal rights, justice, history, and cultural preservation.

While it is ideal to achieve goals without significant effort, mere wishes are insufficient. Proper research is crucial to identify the appropriate means to attain these objectives. Realistically, this involves exerting effort, confronting inevitable difficulties, and navigating critical challenges that cannot be ignored.

Different goals naturally lead to varying paths, each with its own pros and cons. Some individuals work against the tide of the majority, often characterized by narcissism and self-interest. These people form alliances that do not benefit collective efforts towards national preservation.


Understanding the current situation requires distinguishing between conflicting and heterogeneous trends, including polarization. Moderate voices become marginalized, which weakens collective efforts and leads to political spin: “the attempt to control or influence communication to deliver one’s preferred message.” [1]

While differences of opinion can be healthy and constructive, polarization is different. It arises when individuals refuse to coexist with those who do not share their beliefs, whether religious, social, political, ethnic, economic, or generational. Polarization fosters a tribal mindset that views negotiation, consensus, and compromise as betrayals. However, “polarization as a worrisome phenomenon that should command our highest attention, and comparative political science has been reflecting these concerns.” [2]

Diagnosing the Situation

•It is not shameful to be an amateur in activism related to a noble cause seeking the restoration of legitimate rights. Activists usually develop experience over time, despite initially lacking knowledge in social and political mobilization. In most cases, prior experience is scarce, and resource management is often a challenge.

•There is no established mechanism of principles or rules for collective action, which leads to oversimplification and manipulation by those who knowingly or ignorantly divide societies. This behavior mirrors foreign methods, such as “divide and rule,” that sabotage effective teamwork and undermine fair competition.

•Some individuals and groups act as though they are smarter or more qualified than others in matters concerning the Circassian cause. However, no one has a monopoly on the skills or knowledge needed for this work. Union is strength, while division results in weakness and failure. Fair competition allows loyal activists to work towards the same goals, even if they follow different methods.

•In light of these disheartening circumstances, one often encounters farcical situations where some pretend ignorance or deliberately overlook critical issues. These actions are part of the long, arduous journey of a nation that has suffered displacement and numerous challenges.

•It is crucial to remain united and avoid division, whether under collective leadership or through individual initiatives. Secretly reviewing others’ documents without permission is dishonest and reflects behavior acquired from one’s environment. Historical grievances often reveal contradictions between the Circassian people’s goals and their actions.

•Circassians, and most peoples of the Caucasus, are not led by those with megalomania. They did not practice such deplorable methods in their homeland. Instead, they value diverse opinions and collective leadership, knowing that “stronger together” leads to better outcomes. Leaders should be well-intentioned, respected, healthy, and experienced, participating in discussions that concern the people to make crucial decisions.

The Importance of Recognition

One of the Circassians’ primary demands has been, and continues to be, the recognition of the Circassian genocide by the Russian state and other countries. Activities have aimed to raise awareness of the documented crimes of the Russian Empire from the 19th century to the present. Recognition would pave the way for restoring legitimate Circassian rights, including an apology from Russia, compensation, the right of return under international protection, and the right to self-determination leading to independence.


The challenges faced by Circassian communities require the unification of their efforts and coordination as a priority. Collective and coordinated action is essential. However, the contradictions in approaches highlight the complexities and difficulties in advancing the Circassian cause. It is vital to balance cultural preservation with social and political activism, aligning the efforts of diverse groups to remain a significant task for Circassian activism.





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